“Drifting is more essential than a book. As sure as you and I eat and breathe and die, the folk in these pages are out there, beyond the trees, heedless and hurt and in love. You won’t read Drifting so much as live through it. I’m certain.”
—Eric Greenwell
“Immersive and palpable, Drifting invites readers into its fragmented and poetic world as Hartt reinvents syntax to wrap his readers in the text’s cadence and drifts. Through his form, and the breakage within that form, Hartt reveals the secret worlds of his characters while simultaneously obscuring the endless depths beneath.”
—Julia Hands
“We enter the taut consciousness of his characters. We drink their tongue-colored beer and drive the cedared highways of their stillness and their grief, drifting, as they do, in a rain-sodden beauty.”
—Nicole Karn
Jordan Hartt is the author of previous story collection Leap. The managing editor of Kahini magazine, he facilitates the Port Townsend Writers’ Conference, the YAWP series, the Kolkata Writers’ Retreat, the Desert Writers’ Retreat, the Kampala Writers’ Retreat, and the twice-annual Kaua’i Writers’ Retreat. His work has appeared in about fifty different magazines and journals; he is currently working on a new collection.