About Tebot Bach

The Tebot Bach Mission

The mission of Tebot Bach is to strengthen community, promote literacy, broaden the audience for poetry, and demonstrate the power of poetry to transform one‘s life experiences through programs including Community Outreach, Readings, Workshops, Contests, and Publications.

Board of Directors

Steven De Salvo — Attorney
Steve McDonald — Poet, Professor Emeritus of English, Palomar College
Judith Pacht — Poet, Teacher
Beth Ruscio — Poet, Actor
Cathie Sandstrom — Poet, Director of Communication, National Veterans Foundation

Advisory Board

David St. John
Jane Hirshfield
Norman Dubie
Keven Bellows
Mary Fitzpatrick
Jim Natal
Dr. Lera Baker Smith

Advisory Council for The Reading and Workshop Series

David St. John
Jane Hirshfield
Norman Dubie
Victor Infante
Paul Suntup
Mindy Nettifee
Daniel McGinn
Steve Ramirez