The Patricia Bibby Memorial Scholarship was created in 2006 in memory of Patricia Bibby, a newer poet in Southern California whose work showed great promise but who died in 2004 before her full potential was realized. Originally conceived and awarded at Idyllwild Arts/Summer Poetry in Idyllwild through an endowed fund, the scholarship and fund were transferred to the management and care of Tebot Bach in 2015 after Idyllwild Arts discontinued its summer poetry program. For more info click here.
$500 and Book Publication, deadline to be announced
Patricia Bibby was a beginning poet whose poems expressed her love of life while living with cancer. Her kindness, humor, and optimism inspired the love of many new friends in the poetry community. She died in 2004, at age 43, without having been published. In naming the First Book Award after Patricia Bibby, Tebot Bach honors the aspirations and spirit of all beginning poets. For more info click here.
Winner receives a $500 Prize and publication in perfect-bound editions. Deadline is in August, winner announced in November, and publication in March the following year. For more info click here.