Marjorie Becker

The Macon Sex School
Marjorie Becker

The Macon Sex School is a collection of incantatory prayers of deliverance that believe in the communion of shared bodies. Each poem becomes its own dance, pulsing with potential and possibility, with the chance to be made new again. The women of Marjorie Becker’s The Macon Sex School don’t simply hold the map to a new world, they are the map.”
— David St. John

“In the poems of The Macon Sex School, Marjorie Becker delivers a gendered syntax that arrives as desire and desire met, all in one gorgeous simultaneity. But resist the temptation to call these poems sly music; they do not exist to disarm. Rather, these super-articulate songs unspool and wind us up, stake claims, and reject bulls**t. They overturn courtesy by channeling it, fiercely. They free us, and they carry us along.”
— Dorothy Barresi

“This book is as aromatic as a summer night in Georgia and as intense as, well, sex!”
— Gail Wronsky

The Macon Sex School
ISBN: 9781939678669
buy from Small Press Distribution