Susan Landgraf

What We Bury Changes the Ground
Susan Landgraf

A writer and photographer, Susan Landgraf has published more than 400 poems, essays, and articles in more than 150 journals, magazines, and newspapers. Most recently her poems have appeared, or are forthcoming, in Prairie Schooner, Poet Lore, Nimrod, The Bellingham Review, Kestrel, Margie, and The Sow’s Ear. Her chapbook Other Voices was published by Finishing Line Press, and a textbook, Student Reflection Journal for Student Success, was published by Prentice Hall. Landgraf has given more than 150 writing workshops ranging from Centrum and the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference to Antioch International, Oxford, England, the Washington State Community College Mathematics Conference, and the Walla Walla State Prison. A book of writing exercises is due out in 2018 from Two Sylvias Press. Honors include two Pushcart Prize nominations; the Pablo Neruda, Society of Humanistic Anthropology, and Academy of American Poets awards; a Jack Straw Productions grant; Centrum, Hedgebrook, Ragdale, Willard R. Espy, Soapstone and Whiteley residencies, and a Theodore Morrison scholarship at Bread Loaf. Landgraf taught at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China in 2002, 2008, 2010 and 2012 through an exchange program with Highline College, where she taught writing, journalism, media, literature, Diversity and Globalism, and college studies classes for 27 years.

What We Bury Changes the Ground
ISBN: 9781939678386
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